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Migration, Migrants and Labour Markets

Welcome to our research group’s website

IILME is a Standing Committee within the IMISCOE network

Navigating the Finnish Labour Market: Insights from Turkey-born Highly Skilled Professionals

by Nilay Kılınç Over the past two decades, Finland has emerged as an attractive destination for highly skilled professionals from …

Special Issue published 2023

At the beginning of 2023, our special issue on “State policies and regulation related to migrant work during and beyond …

Book recommendation

Banerjee, A.V. & E. Duflo (2019), Good Economics for Hard Times. Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems. United Kingdom: Allen …

IILME Sessions at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference

Link to the panels on July 2 Revisiting the social constructs of ‘essentialism’ and ‘irregularization’ of migrant workers in European …

CfA: Conference in Berlin addressing labour-market related discrimination of migrants & women

Call for contributions for the final conference of the project “Access plus: Access to social rights inGermany and France: inequalities …

CfP: The International Political Economy of Labour Migration conference, 18-20 July Duisburg 2024

Submission deadline: 25th of August, 2023 “The International Political Economy of Labor Migration. The Next Great Transformation? Current Developments, Future …