What we do
Project development meetings
The long-term aim of IILME is to produce research which has the potential to have high impact in academia, as well as in society as a whole. The Standing Committee facilitates, supports and actively works for the preparation of research projects including small research initiatives and more ambitious grants. Meetings open to all members are regularly organized to facilitate the exchange of ideas and discuss the progression of joint work.

Dissemination and communication activities
IILME has a continuous and active presence during the annual IMISCOE conference. Open calls and special panels are organized on an annual basis and advertised trough the IMISCOE and IILME channels. Members also disseminate IILME research trough the participation at other relevant conferences and non-academic events with the aim of contributing to the social and policy debate.
IILME facilitates and support members’ initiatives aimed at publishing in academic journals and non-academic outlets. The writing up of short-pieces and blogs is also an important part of our publication plan.

Providing supporting facilities
IILME provides support to both scholars (especially to PhD students and early career-researchers) and stakeholders working on migration issues interested in deepening labour market related issues within their own research. This is done through several activities (e.g. the provision of a forum in which IMISCOE members can present papers and research projects and receive detailed feedback) but also in the long run through the organization of training activities which will also see the participation of invited experts.