About Us

Migration, Migrants and Labour Markets
Standing Committee within the IMISCOE network
The focus of IILME’s research is the link between migration, labour market dynamics and access to welfare resources. These themes are central to the discourse and policy on immigration and integration of newly arrived migrants and their children. In particular, IILME’s research focuses on the role of labour market actors and dynamics in influencing immigration phenomena as well as migrants’ positions and experiences in the host labour market. IILME aims to produce original knowledge to contribute to both academic and policy debates on these themes.
Interdisciplinary approach
Building up on the work carried out within the previous IITUE research group (Immigration, Integration and Trade Unions in Europe), IILME aims at exploring the complexities and contradictions of the interaction between migration phenomena and the labour market in a time of rapidly changing migration, integration and labour market policies. The originality of the program lies in its theoretical framework. We seek to combine the tradition of industrial relations, political economy — especially research on segmented labour market(s) — and gender studies to explore multiple intersectional inequalities as well as the precarization of migrant and ethnic workers within labour markets.

IILME Steering Group
IILME PhD Representatives
IILME Members
Click on for member’s personal websites
Click on for member’s publication page
Linn Axelsson
Ben Brindle
Margherita Cusmano
Tesseltje de Lange
Maciej Duszczyk
Mariella Falkenhain
Margit Fauser
Leila Giannetto
Waseem Haider
Valentine Ibeka
Elina Jonitz
Kamal Kassam
Arjan Keizer
Nonna Kushnirovich
Kseniia Cherniak
Franziska Laudenbach
Roas Lázaro
Golaleh Makrooni
Sandra Mantù
Deborah Milly
Ilana Nussbaum Bitran
Constantin Palmadeala
Ferruccio Pastore
Antía Pérez-Caramés
Asya Pisarevskaya
Dominika Pszczółkowska
Hans Siebers
Joana Silva
Marleen van der Haar
Franca van Hooren
Anja Weiß
Eva Zschirnt