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Migration aspirations in the Western Balkans: do skills shortages matter and what should policymakers do about them?

By Ksenija Ivanović  When the discipline of Economics first dabbled in the study of migration, it was quickly established that workers – assumed to have all the information and opportunities, of course –  move to earn more elsewhere. This simplistic view was challenged from both within… Read More »Migration aspirations in the Western Balkans: do skills shortages matter and what should policymakers do about them?

Navigating the Finnish Labour Market: Insights from Turkey-born Highly Skilled Professionals

by Nilay Kılınç Over the past two decades, Finland has emerged as an attractive destination for highly skilled professionals from around the world. Recognising the benefits of acquiring global talent to address labour and skill shortages, enhance productivity, and foster innovation, Finland has actively sought… Read More »Navigating the Finnish Labour Market: Insights from Turkey-born Highly Skilled Professionals

CfA: Conference in Berlin addressing labour-market related discrimination of migrants & women

Call for contributions for the final conference of the project “Access plus: Access to social rights inGermany and France: inequalities and discrimination, gender and migration in the jeux d’échelles of the European space”, Sept 20-21, 2024, at the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin Organizers: Christine Barwick-Gross… Read More »CfA: Conference in Berlin addressing labour-market related discrimination of migrants & women

Promoting Immigrants’ Employability through Culturally Inclusive Mentoring: The Case of a Rehabilitative Work Context in Finland

Golaleh Makrooni & Marja Koskela The integration of immigrants and enablement of their effective contribution to economic growth in their new home countries is highlighted by policymakers and governments. Many initiatives have been developed toward inclusion in the educational and work sectors. However, the cultural… Read More »Promoting Immigrants’ Employability through Culturally Inclusive Mentoring: The Case of a Rehabilitative Work Context in Finland

From State-Controlled to Free Migration: Unintended consequences of the 2008 Swedish Labour-Migration Reform

By Annika Elwert, Henrik Emilsson and Nahikari Irastorza In 2008, Sweden opted for a radical change in its labour migration policy. The new law provided all foreign-born individuals with a job offer the right to migrate to Sweden. The government reduced its ambition to control… Read More »From State-Controlled to Free Migration: Unintended consequences of the 2008 Swedish Labour-Migration Reform

CfP: The International Political Economy of Labour Migration conference, 18-20 July Duisburg 2024

Submission deadline: 25th of August, 2023 “The International Political Economy of Labor Migration. The Next Great Transformation? Current Developments, Future Prospects” conference,organized by the International Sociological Association’s ResearchCommittee on Economy & Society (RCo2) will take place in Duisburg,Germany in July 18-20, 2024. Among other themes… Read More »CfP: The International Political Economy of Labour Migration conference, 18-20 July Duisburg 2024

Special Issue published 2023

At the beginning of 2023, our special issue on “State policies and regulation related to migrant work during and beyond COVID-19”, was published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. This special issue grew out of an IILME call for papers on this… Read More »Special Issue published 2023

Open PhD Workshop

We are happy to announce that we are organizing an online IILME PhD workshop on April 29th, 2022, 15:00-16:00.  The IILME PhD Network aims to provide support to PhD students working on topics at the intersection of migration, labour market dynamics and access to welfare resources. During… Read More »Open PhD Workshop

The Value of Human Labour

On February 26th, 2021, the Work and Equalities institute at the University of Manchester is organising an online interdisciplinary discussion of critical issues confronting human labour under Covid-19. The topics of discussions are: Conflicting Covid narratives: The value of supermarket work and implications for the… Read More »The Value of Human Labour

ETUI Webinar, 19 January 2021

On January 19th, ETUI is organising a webinar on trade union strategies to organise migrant workers in Europe. How can migrant workers contribute to trade union revitalisation ?

Book recommendation

Banerjee, A.V. & E. Duflo (2019), Good Economics for Hard Times. Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems. United Kingdom: Allen Lane/ Penguin Random House. In 2019, Abhijit Banerjee was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences along with his two co-researchers Esther Duflo and… Read More »Book recommendation